Fringe Open Autumn Programme
Use this page as a directory to find your way around the Fringe Open map for September-November. With some activity as one-offs; independent & assisted exhibitions; durational works which launch from the start of the Triennial period; community-engaged works where progress can be watched; workshops; encounters; and must-see stop-offs for your visit to Folkestone - there really is something for everyone.
The Fringe Open programming is constantly evolving, for the most up-to-date listing of events, come back to these pages every time you need a reminder. You can also keep up to date through our weekly newsletter and across our social media channels. Additionally, if you're out & about in town, look out for the "Sub-Plot" stickers on the windows of businesses/spaces/locations to follow the map that way.
Image: William Keeler Photography
Reminder: Remember to keep in check with the summer programme page still, as some events & activities which started in july for example, will still be ongoing throughout these cooler months.