The Fishing Heritage & History Museum
open daily
2 Radnor St
No matter how much we may regard Folkestone as a place of regeneration, the original infrastructure, and natural landscape inevitably remain first and foremost.
Fishing is a fundamental asset that has benefited Folkestone throughout centuries as our natural heritage- living through, within, and beyond the breathing of our seaside town. It’s integral then, to keep this ingrained history alive through our own learning and recognition... when today, only 22 men operating 9 boats are supported on our waters, a far cry from being the town’s main industry.
The team at the museum are now open daily from 10:30-16:00. For free, you have the opportunity to get hands-on experience of life on a fishing boat- learning rope splicing, net breeding, mending a variety of knots, and handling items to discover their use, size, and weight around the difficulties of operating in small moving vessels. Visitors can also examine artifacts, original photographs, equipment and have a nose around the items for sale.