Sapphire Goss: Salt Revenants: Optographic Animation
- Video Work -
Fri 8 Sep
9:30pm - 1am
The Clearing, Quarterhouse, 49 Tontine St, Folkestone. CT20 1JT
Sat 9 - Sun 10 Sep
The Stables, 35-37 Tontine Street, Folkestone CT20 1JT
Made from a mixture of cameraless animations, scratch film and shot footage, this installation creates a world from light, time and chemicals. It hovers in space, oscillating in scale from molecules and matter to the celestial. An eye, a droplet, a cosmos. It is shot around the coast in Kent and developed using sustainable methods.
Accessibility Information:
Quarterhouse aims to be accessible to all, offering a varied programme of events, catering for all of our customer's needs. It is a wheelchair accessible venue with ground floor spaces available for seated performances and two balcony wheelchair spaces available for standing events. Quarterhouse is fitted with a Hearing Loop System. We recommend getting in contact with us prior to booking or on arrival so we can assist you with the best seats for the system. Quarterhouse has a lift for accessing all floors, including the bar, toilets and balcony. Toilets are fully wheelchair accessible and can be found on the ground and first floor.