Normal? Posthumanist Therapy
Johannes Klabbers
11am (60 mins), Quarterhouse Meeting Room, £3
Can we alter our habits and behaviours or do they change in response to different attitudes and conditions? Religions tried to encourage people to lead an ethical life and failed spectacularly. Humanism appears to be failing to fill the chasm of the secular world. Everyone seems to be either an insufferable narcissist or is paralysed by doubt or feelings of inferiority and insecurity. Are these the only ways to be a human being now?
Johannes Klabbers trained as a narrative therapist and wrote a book about his work as a secular pastoral worker with people who are dying; I Am Here: Stories from a Cancer Ward. Today Johannes works with those who are looking for a different way to be in the world and invites people to adopt a post-humanist framework for living, thinking and acting.
Therapist in Residence for Normal? 2017, Johannes will be roving freely, engaging in discussion and hosting one-to-one sessions throughout the weekend.