Pint of Science Beautiful Mind
11 May
Quarterhouse Bar (The Clearing)
Pint of Science brings scientists and artists together to discuss their latest research, in the setting of a fun night out, with a pint of beer or other beverage! Neurologist Tim Rittman will discuss what happens in the brain when we think we are doing nothing but resting. He will discuss the latest findings about how our brain is networked, and how this impacts on neuropsychiatric research. Dr Shabhana Khan, post-doctoral research fellow in neuroscience, will explain the role of science in understanding anxiety and how it changes our perception. She’ll look at the role of neurotransmitters, like serotonin, and how the arts can help us understand the condition. We will also hear from some of the artists presenting work at the festival connected to scientific research, including Jim Lockey’s meditation on loss, Aiste˙ Jancˇiuˉ te˙’s Touch Laboratory, “Weight” and the ground-breaking Brains in a Dish, from Created Out of Mind.