Listening Huts
clare reeves
fringe: open
16 sep
11:00 - 17:00
The beach huts in Folkestone have occupied their border between land and sea for generations.
The brightly painted fripperies they now are belies the things they have seen in “hellfire corner”… and heard on the front line of war and of peace.
For the last 5 years, Voiceover and Sound Artist, Clare Reeves, has been listening to the comings and goings played out right in front of the Beach Huts of Folkestone.
As part of the Folkestone Triennial Fringe “Double Edge” theme, Listening Huts is an exploration in sound of the fine line between hearing, listening, eavesdropping, surveillance and spying - working within the context of the need to stem idle chatter during wartime to guard military secrets.
Maybe the Huts heard you and are sharing your private conversations with anyone who’ll listen.. careless talk costs lives you know