'It was like this' | Jim Lockey
Now showing a repeat performance
Dec 09 | 18:00 - Performance lecture
performance & artefact
sept - oct
Oct | 19-24 – Exhibition, Urban Room Folkestone
Oct 21 | 18:00 – End of project performance lecture, Urban Room Folkestone
‘It was like this…’ is the account of a place as experienced navigating its coastal boundaries, canals and hidden watercourses: a revelatory journey by kayak, aided and formed by local legends, oral storytelling, and St Eanswythe herself. This project combines documentation of real events, and real myths, to explore the role of story in the identity of a place. Beginning with a number of ad-hoc performances through September, and culminating in a live lecture at Urban Room Folkestone in October - keep up to date about this project, including documentation, dates, and times on Jim’s ever-growing blog, via socials, and on our website.
The kayak is currently making ad-hoc intermittent journeys around Folkestone’s waterways. Keep your eyes on coastal waters and you may catch a glimpse. Details and times of the live events to follow as the project progresses.
Reflection Event: 09 Dec 2021
Jim Lockey will return to Urban Room Folkestone on Thursday 9th December for a second edition of his performance lecture, ‘It Was Like This’ - a thorough account and uncovering of the hidden and half-remembered history of Folkestone’s folklore, living myths, and local legends. At the event, Jim will be presenting the documentation of his own exploration of Folkestone’s waterways and coast over the past few months, which involved navigating by kayak to explore the significance of stories as a way of interpreting the town’s identity. He will be recalling the story of his own findings within the lecture.
The 30 minute talk will start at 6pm, followed by a Q+A session with the artist. Don’t miss the opportunity to delve into the fascinating account of Jim’s journey and discovery, and gain an interesting insight into Folkestone’s past and the ways it has shaped the town’s presence today.