Folkestone Documentary Festival presents The Nettle Dress + Haulout + Q&A
- Film Screening -
Sat 9 Sep
Doors open 19:00; Screening + Q+A 19:15 - 22:30
Quarterhouse Auditorium, 49 Tontine St, Folkestone. CT20 1JT
Booking Required : Click here to book (via our partners at Quarterhouse)
Join us for an evening of two films from land and sea about surviving in the face of spectacular challenges from life and nature, followed by a Q&A with Nettle Dress director Dylan Howitt and protagonist Allan Brown.
The Nettle Dress (Director - Dylan Howitt)
A modern-day fairytale and hymn to the healing power of nature and slow craft.
Textile artist Allan Brown spends seven years making a dress by hand, using only the fibre of locally foraged stinging nettles. This is ‘hedgerow couture’, the greenest of slow fashion. It’s also the medicine that helps him survive the death of his wife, which leaves him and their four children bereft, and how he finds a beautiful way to honour her.
'Grasping the Nettle' is at the heart of it. Making a dress this way becomes devotional, with every thread representing hours of loving attention. Over seven years Allan is transformed by the process as much as the nettles are. The challenge of making zero carbon clothing means re-learning ancient crafts: foraging, spinning, weaving, cutting and sewing. Finally the dress is worn by one of his daughters, back in the woods where the nettles were picked.
‘Exquisite and inspiring, beautiful and helpful for anyone suffering loss or grief.’
Sir Mark Rylance
Haulout (Directors - Evgenia Arbugaeva and Maxim Arbugaev)
On a remote coast of the Russian Arctic in a wind-battered hut, a lonely man waits to witness an ancient gathering. But warming seas and rising temperatures bring an unexpected change, and he soon finds himself overwhelmed.
Accessibility Information:
Quarterhouse aims to be accessible to all, offering a varied programme of events, catering for all of our customer's needs. It is a wheelchair accessible venue with ground floor spaces available for seated performances and two balcony wheelchair spaces available for standing events. Quarterhouse is fitted with a Hearing Loop System. We recommend getting in contact with us prior to booking or on arrival so we can assist you with the best seats for the system. Quarterhouse has a lift for accessing all floors, including the bar, toilets and balcony. Toilets are fully wheelchair accessible and can be found on the ground and first floor.
Please contact the box office on 01303 760750 for any of the following: Special seating requests, wheelchair users or group bookings.