Normal? Drugs or Art – what’s best in dementia care?
12.30pm (60 mins), Quarterhouse Bar, £3
A lively debate between neurologist Dr Timothy Rittman and clinical psychologist Professor Reinhard Guss about the merits of a medical approach against a psycho-social and arts based approach to dementia. Are the medical profession patronising and out of touch or do they offer tried and tested treatments and support that really works? Are the arts offering well-meaning but misguided care without proper research or do they offer a new and innovative people-centred approach?
Reinhard Guss is consultant clinical psychologist for Kent and Medway NHS & Social Care Partnership. He is Chair of the Faculty of the Psychology of Older People, & Co-chair of Dementia Action Alliance.
Dr. Tim Rittman is a neurology registrar and dementia researcher based at Addenbrookes Hospital Cambridge and the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital. His research tries to understand how dementia affects the brain by examining brain networks using advanced brain imaging techniques.