An audience with Nicholas Crane
- Talk -
Fri 8 Sep
Quarterhouse Auditorium, 49 Tontine St, Folkestone. CT20 1JT
Booking Required : Click here to book (via our partners at Quarterhouse)
"To care about a place, you must know its story".
Join, geographer, explorer, journalist, broadcaster and writer Nicholas Crane, for an evening in Folkestone, to celebrate the internationally significant geology of the Kent Downs and Cross-Channel Geopark. He will be joined for a Q + A with Prof Sanjeev Gupta.
Nicholas Crane is the author of Clear Waters Rising, Two Degrees West, Mercator, presenter of BBC’s Coast, The Making of the British Landscape, Why Geography Matters, Latitude and more.
Accessibility Information:
Quarterhouse aims to be accessible to all, offering a varied programme of events, catering for all of our customer's needs. It is a wheelchair accessible venue with ground floor spaces available for seated performances and two balcony wheelchair spaces available for standing events. Quarterhouse is fitted with a Hearing Loop System. We recommend getting in contact with us prior to booking or on arrival so we can assist you with the best seats for the system. Quarterhouse has a lift for accessing all floors, including the bar, toilets and balcony. Toilets are fully wheelchair accessible and can be found on the ground and first floor.