hop projects | ed barnes: this is my church | 5-9pm

fri 28 may 2021 | 17.00-21.00
exhibition open till 06 Jun (Sat & Sun = 12pm-6pm)

This Friday, HOP Projects are launching the first of a series of Mini Documentary commissions for ‘TWF’ This Week in Folkestone - a new digital countercultural archive with the work of local artist, Ed Barnes.

Charting contemporary counter-cultures from the margins, our TWF Mini Doc series brings together six projects by artists with a vision for all that is left behind, invisible, and diverse. Created by Ed Barnes, a non-binary working-class child of hippies, punks and crusties, ‘This is My Church’ is an audio-visual piece situated somewhere between art and documentary, exploring fading countercultures and nonconformist groups through the meeting places that were holy to them, their shrines and proving grounds.


24 April 2020

Last Fridays

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